JFCCT visited TICC on 28 March 2024 at the TICC office

Chairwoman of JFCCT, and Executives Visited President, Vice President and Secretary General of Thai-Italian Chamber of Commerce

28 March 2024 - Bangkok - Ms. Vibeke Lyssand Leirvåg, Chairwoman of the Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thailand (JFCCT), along with the Vice Chairman, Dr. Supareak Charlie CHOMCHAN, and Mr. Ravi Sehgal, recently paid a visit to the Thai-Italian Chamber of Commerce (TICC) office in Bangkok. The welcoming delegation included Mr. Federico Cardini, President of TICC, Ms. Mallika Margherita, Vice President, and Mr. Giacomo Iobizzi, Secretary General.


The purpose of this significant meeting was to familiarize the delegates with TICC's new office premises and to discuss strategic goals and directions aimed at fostering collaboration and support among Thai, Italian, and Foreign corporations.


Ms. Leirvåg expressed her enthusiasm for strengthening ties between the JFCCT and TICC, highlighting the importance of cross-cultural partnerships in today's global business landscape. She commended TICC’s efforts in promoting trade and investment opportunities between Thailand and Italy, as well as facilitating business growth for international companies operating in the region.


During the visit, Mr. Cardini provided insights into TICC's ongoing  initiatives and outlined key areas where cooperation between the chambers could be mutually beneficial. Furthermore, Ms. Margherita and Mr. Iobizzi offered valuable perspectives on enhancing business relations and fostering a conducive environment for economic collaboration.


The discussions covered a wide range of sectors, including technology, education, tourism, and sustainable development, reflecting the diverse interests and expertise within both chambers. The meeting concluded with a commitment to ongoing dialogue and joint initiatives that would create value for members of JFCCT and TICC alike.