Membership Directory - Corporate

Aonang Landmark Co., Ltd


Company Background (for Business Directory): Founded company It started with the idea of developing tourist attractions and businesses in Ao Nang. Because Krabl Province, Thailand's main income comes from tourism, but the tourism sector is expanding relatively slowly. Counter to the needs of new entrepreneurs and tourists who are increasing every year In addition, one of the management team has a large piece of land in the heart of Ao Nang. The company therefore plans to develop this plot of land into a gathering place for new shops and entrepreneurs. that will come in the future
Description of products/services: The company's model is to develop space for renting out events and various activities, with the concept being an opportunity for everyone. We have a small space at an affordable price for small customers. There is a large space. For capital groups to build large hotels. And there is space for renting out for living and being able to conduct a variety of businesses.
Company Website Address:
Picture of additional representative (High resolution): Available to Members
Email: Available to Members
Phone: Available to Members