Membership Directory - Corporate
Herba Bangkok S.L. (Ebro Foods)
Food Production
Company Background (for Business Directory): Herba Bangkok S.L. is the regional Head Quarters of Herba Rice Mills in Southeast Asia with an extensive and deep-rooted presence in the rice industry as part of the Ebro Foods Group. Ebro Foods Group is the leading food group in Spain, a global leader in the rice sector, and has a prominent global position in the category of premium and fresh pasta, leading in the countries in which operates. In Thailand, Herba Bangkok is responsible for sales operations of Ebro’s brands: Riso Scotti Italian rice, La Fallera Spanish rice, Tilda Basmati rice, Pasta Garofalo, Pasta Santa Lucia, Bertagni fresh pasta and SOS quinoa.
Description of products/services: Herba Bangkok S.L supplies rice to major brands across the world with a strong presence among European, American, and Australian retailers. It is headquartered in Bangkok and the 22,600 sqm manufacturing facility is located in Saraburi.Herba Bangkok S.L was established in 2006 and enjoys BOI privileges under the Thai Ministry of Industry and is certified by- ISO 9001-2015, GMP, HACCP, BRC, Organic, and many others. Core manufacturing of bulk and packaged rice is done in-house with a strong emphasis on productivity, quality, compliance, community, and transparency. Finally, Herba Bangkok S.L. is Ebro’s regional trading center and the commercial office of Ebro’s brands in the Southeast Asian markets.
Company Website Address:
Picture of additional representative (High resolution): Available to Members
Email: Available to Members
Phone: Available to Members